It should be easy

learning the rules of the road along with good, defensive driving skills.

driving signs

Driver safety courses for St. Albert, Morinville, Spruce Grove,
and Edmonton area.

Class 7 Learner License Seminar  Mar 22, 2025

This zoom virtual session runs 9 a.m to 2:30 pm.  Once you’ve paid – your registration in class is confirmed. 

Class 7 seminar price reduced. Cheapest Learner License course in Alberta.  

Our Courses

Driver Course Options

  1. Learner License Seminar
    A five-hour primer on “rules of the road” to help students get the 80% required on the class 7 learner permit exam. Avoid having to re-write the licensing test multiple times. Sign up at least 5 days before a course date. $24 (+gst)

          Register now

  1. Defensive Driver Course (DDC)
    A six-hour course approved by Alberta Transportation on better driving that gets you demerit credit towards your driving record.  $90.(+gst)
    Register now
  2. Corporate Defensive Driver (PDIC)
    A six-hour course approved by Alberta Transportaton on improved and defensive driving for your employees.
    Register now
  3. Professional Driver Improvement course (PDIC+) A six-hour course approved by Alberta Transportation aimed at improved driving skills for employees in a specific industry.
    Register now

Learner License Seminar

The course is for students  preparing to write the class 7 learner license permit exam in Alberta. It helps them get the 80% required to pass the licensing exam. 

Defensive Driver Course

A seminar approved by Alberta Transportation to improve your defensive driving and get demerit credits

Corporate Defensive Driver & Professional Driver Improvement Course

A seminar approved by Alberta Transportation to improve your employees defensive driving.

How your driving can improve.

Once you’re registered, we’ll send you resources from Alberta Transportation that helps reinforce safer driving. Using the material may help you change your attitude and driving behavior. This helps make for a defensive driver less likely to become a statistic.

Our Course Instructor


A career civil servant with 40 years experience in adult education. A former glider pilot and ground school instructor has been teaching driver education for fifteen years.

Classroom & Course staff are licensed by Alberta Transportation to provide classroom/course programs. The instructor administers an AB Trans. written test at the end of a DDC or PDIC course.


40 Years
of Adult Education and 15 years experience as a driving instructor.

Every driver comes with different skill sets – and most of us could improve. These courses focus on the things we need to think about and do to change our driving habits.

Alberta Transportation approved seminars, webinars and online courses.

Students get the knowledge to be a safer driver. We aim to make you a better than average defensive driver.

Office staff will answer your questions & design a program to meet your corporate needs. Our instructors can provide courses to meet your schedule.

We participate in the Alberta Transportation demerit  reduction program. This includes 6 hours of classroom/course training followed by a written test.

Instructors are fully qualified to ensure you have everything you need to know about driving better.

We service Edmonton and area. Incl. St. Albert, Morinville, Callihoo and Spruce Grove.

Some examples of habits to change: